Saturday October 23rd (Death Valley)
Barstow Calico K.O.A. to Sunset Campground Furnace Creek
160 Miles
We drove thru many miles of desert landscape, turned off at Baker to get to Death Valley and set up in Sunset Campground at Furnace Creek. We walked across the road to the National Park Service Information, where we got a lot of good information and saw a slide show about the history of the area, about the Borax mining on the salt flats, and about the 20 mule team which took the Borax 160 miles to the railroad at Mojave. We walked around Furnace Creek in the afternoon and enjoyed the museum there. In the evening we went to a writer’s workshop which really introduced us to the area. When we went back to our campsite, there was live music at the Campground. A group of people called the 49ers meet here each year. Don’t know too much about them but they like to have a good time. The actual event they come for doesn’t start for a couple of weeks. Sunset campground is below sea level.
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